English, asked by madhu26parna, 7 months ago

write an essay on 'my adventure with gypsies'


Answered by deepaksevta4488


Google pe search kr question mt puchh points km ho rahe h

Answered by pmrddevi


The last nomads, the free-spirited, passionate bohemians with their mysterious rituals and powers. This romanticism is nearly as unfair as the fear and hate distracting us from recognizing the hardships and persecution these “carefree” people have undergone for centuries. In Europe, the Roma (as they wish to be call) have been cast out, burned at the stake, sterilized, ghettoized, forced to give up their traditional way of life, caught in other people’s wars, and more than half a million were slaughtered in the Holocaust.

Roma misfortune can be attributed to the vicious cycle of poverty that paralyzes so many minorities situated in an unforgiving society. This cycle of poverty began and still exists today due to the…show more content…

In Checklosloviakia job discrimination because of skin color is commonplace. The Czech newspaper Lidove Noviny recently disclosed that the government employment agencies were secretly marking Roma job applications with an “R” to alert potential employers.

Unemployment has always been a problem for the Roma and through out history has caused friction between the gypsies and their host countries. Being nomads, farming has never been an option so by relying on their “gypsy skills” such as dancing, singing or animal training and of course non-gypsies have always found this type of alternative work to be “lazy and distasteful.” There were those few gypsies who went the more conventional route by taking up blacksmithing, basket weaving, shoe making or metalworking, however this put them in direct competition with non-gypsy workers and needless to say created tension.

Centuries of discrimination in the work place have shaped Roma culture. With no land to farm and without the necessary skills to get a job, the only way for the Roma to escape poverty is for the government to address education


hope it helps

mark me as brainliest

thank all my answers



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