English, asked by priyanka712232, 6 months ago

write an essay on on secularism​


Answered by Anonymous
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Secularism in simple words refers as an ideology which provides people with the right to follow any religion or not follow any. It permits the state with the responsibility to maintain neutrality in the matters of religions. In a secular country, no state can legally favor or hate a particular religion...

Hope this helps u ✨ ✌
Answered by SugaryCherrie


The history of secularism in India times back to 1976. While it declared that a secular state during the 42nd amendment of the Indian Constitution. The leaders of Independent India had visualized of a country where religion is no bar for people.

The state cannot favor or accept any religion as the state religion. The presence of the ideology of secularism in India indorses the co-existence of all the religious groups. The execution of the ideology of secularism in a diverse country like India which embraces of a dozen religions was a difficult task. Hence there are certain drawbacks which are yet to be addressed to.

Western and Indian Secularism

The philosophy of secularism in the west based on the principle of separation of state and religion. It merely focuses on the rights of a citizen to follow the religion of their choice. India secularism supports the fair and equal treatment of all religions and treats them all as one under the law.

But the Indian government has not correctly been separated from religions. While making sure also that no religion has a special favor in a way unfair to the other groups. Secularism in the west has faith that every citizen has the right to follow any religion of their choice.

Problems with Secularism

Though the leaders of the independent state have struggled hard to make sure the fair execution of the ideology of secularism. But certain problems still need to be addressed to make certain proper, peaceful and fair functioning.

State and religious groups, both should work self-sufficiently and abide by the law at the same time. After some decades of independence still, political parties remain to use the agenda of religious diversity and caste. Sometimes because of personal benefits, some politicians are refusing the motive of creating a secular state.

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