write an essay on photosynthesis
(100-200 words)
photosynthesis is the process of plant that makes
food form co2, sunlight , water and help of soil for nutrition and fertilizer it is most important process
Answer :
Photosynthesis is one of the most fundamental biological reactions.
The chlorophyll bearing plants trap the free energy of sunlight as photons and transform and store it as chemical potential energy by combining CO2 and water.
The end products of photosynthesis are carbohydrates with loss of oxygen. These directly or indirectly serve as the source of energy for all living beings, except chemosynthetic bacteria.
Photosynthesis as an oxidation-reduction reaction:
In 1931, С. B. Niel suggested that water is the hydrogen donor in the oxidation-reduction that occurs in photosynthesis. The ratio of oxygen evolved to carbon dioxide consumed is one. The over all reaction of photosynthesis is —
nН2О + nСО2 → light / chlorophyll nO2+ (CH2O)n
Thus, water is the donor of H2. The O2 that is liberated also comes from water and not from CO2 as has been confirmed by experiments using 18 ‘heavy oxygen – 18O’.