Write an essay on role of film in society
Answer:- Cinema is a powerful visual medium. It is one of the most popular means of mass communication. It has tremendous potentialities to entertain and educate.The portrayal of women in cinema is a cause of great concern. She is presented merely an object of entertainment. She is required to merely dance, sing, expose and vanish. There is a little film in which she is depicted in influential role. This gives a message to society that women are weak and unimportant. Eve-teasing, physical assault and many other crimes have become an integral part of cinema. The depiction of such scenes is so glamorous that it produces in the viewers a tendency to commit such crimes. Such irrational portrayal of various scenes leads to the increase in violence against women.Cinema has great responsibility to give proper direction to the society. Unfortunately, in recent years it has deviated from its social obligation. It is causing great harm to social responsibility. This needs to be checked without any delay. Cinema has a major role to play in a country like India. The need of the hour is that it should be exploited as a power tool to educate, inform and aware the masses apart from entertaining them. Cinema is a universal teacher. It educates the people in different branches of learning. Our film producers have made very purposeful films to collect public opinion against some of the social evils as dowry system, the labour exploitation. It can teach us natural history, geography, botany, chemistry etc.