Write an essay on “The Future of a country depends upon the power of youth".
The youth of a nation play a critical role in a country’s future. Thus, the manner in
which young people are raised is intrinsically tied to the capabilities of new
generations of workers. It is agreed that a country should invest considerably in its
youth. This will be shown by analyzing how such a practice can lead a nation to
international competitiveness and how it can lead people to more charitable lives
Firstly, a state’s ability to compete in the modern world is only as strong as its
citizens’ minds. Take the Japanese education system as an example. Despite the
crippling effects of the Second World War, Japan’s focus on education and the
nurturing of academia played a part in leading the country to become the secondlargest economy in the world. This would never have been possible had the country
not invested in and embraced the education of its young people. Thus, it is clear that
a country’s commitment to its young people has direct ramifications on its future.
Secondly, people who grow up with the gift of a proper education can do more to
help the needy in their country. For instance, Germany is a state that produces large
numbers of highly capable medical practitioners, and this allows all German citizens
to receive quality medical attention. Were Germany as a nation to cease investment
in young people seeking a medical education, this service to the public could not be
provided as effectively. Because of this, its clear that positive results come to nations
that invest in their youth.
After analyzing how a country’s focus on its young people can lead to economical
strength and domestic social benefits, the link between investment in youth and a
nation’s future can clearly be seen. It is hoped the committing of national resources
to youths is a practice employed around the world.