English, asked by Madisynstl5262, 6 months ago

Write an essay on the good and bad effects of television


Answered by zianaaz891

1) Good effect of television=

The television in today's society has become one of our most basic resources of information. We are informed through the television of the latest news, weather, and information which are important in our daily lives. Through television we can be warned about almost anything from a hurricane approaching to the fact that the stock market is falling. Television is a great way of educating the people throughout society with important issues that affect our daily lives.

2) Bad effect of television=

Television is primarily a medium for entertainment and information. However, your kids may not be able to discriminate between the good and the bad content. As a result, they watch whatever catches their attention. Sometimes they might also develop a tendency to ape it. So, when the kids are exposed to violent acts even in something as simple as cartoons, they may carry those actions forward without realising the kind of consequences it can lead to. An aggressive behavioural pattern can account for one of the major reasons television is bad for you and your child.

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Answered by TheFairyTale

Good And Bad Effects Of Television

Television is one of the important inventions of modern science, and a great boon for mankind. Television is an improvement upon the cinema and radio. All these three organs are powerful media for entertainment and dissemination of knowledge. In radio we can only hear the voice of speaker but cannot see him. In cinema we both see and hear, but it is not our own possession within the precincts of our room. TV, a combination of sight and sound provides us with entertainment in our drawing room. There are many channels and many programmes throughout day and night. Films, series, music, dance, drama, sports, news all are shown on TV. Nowadays, TV is a great platform for the rising stars who are growing through the reality shows. But, too much attachment to TV may hamper our eyesight. Too much craze for TV may hamper the childrens' normal lessons. TV should be a medium of entertainment, not an addiction. The inanimate TV set should not be blamed. We should control our mindsets. Though, modern technology has brought androids and it helps to bring the globe within grip, TV has put its importance as well its existence to every drawing room till now.

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