World Languages, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

write an essay on the ideal student


Answered by colourmedia



Ideal students are not born ideal or perfect. They are nurtured to become ideal by their parents and teachers. The environment

at home has a great impact on the way a student performs in school. Teachers also play a significant role in the same. However,

the parents and teachers can only guide a student and it ultimately depends on how driven

he himself is.

What makes a Student Ideal?

Here are a few things that make a student ideal:

These students pay attention in the class and try to grasp as much as they can in their classroom sessions.

They do not hesitate asking questions in the class to clarify their doubts.

They make sure they study all that is done in the class each day as they go home.

They keep things organized.

They do not only try to do well academically but also take part in other activities such as sports, debate competitions, art and craft activities

and more.

They take initiatives and give their best shot. They do not give up on opportunities because of the fear of failure.

They do not give up even if they face failure. They try to do things again until they finally achieve the desired result.

Ideal Students are Favourite in School

Ideal students are the ones who are good at almost everything in the school. They emanate positive energy. Everyone in their class wants to be  

their friends. Having an ideal student as a best friend makes a good impression on the teachers as well as other students. If your friend is good

in studies you also get help in studies. His notes are always readily available for you. He also motivates you to study with devotion and take part in

extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, dance, etc. A person’s company has a huge impact on him especially during the growing years. Those who

keep company of good/ ideal students are bound to inculcate good habits.

Ideal students are also a favourite among the teachers. Teachers give their example to others in the class and ask them to learn their good habits

. Teachers entrust these students with various other tasks such as preparation of projects, distribution of books/ notebooks and monitoring of class

in their absence. Every teacher wants her class to have ideal students.

Being an Ideal Student Helps Later in Life

It is said that, you are what you repeatedly do. Excellence then becomes a way of life. An ideal student is organized. He keeps his room, school bag,

books and other stuff in an organized manner so that he doesn’t have to waste time looking for things when need be. He knows where exactly to look  

for his stuff. Being organized does not only mean keeping things intact but also means the ability to prioritize and organize your tasks in an efficient

manner so as to complete them on time. This becomes a habit and even as such a student grows up he remains organized. Those who are organized can manage

both personal and professional life efficiently.

An ideal student knows how to strike a balance between different activities and as he grows into a professional it becomes easier for him to maintain  

a work-life balance. He is also quite hard working and determined and this helps a great deal later in life.


The life of an ideal student may seem tough from a distance. However, it is actually much more sorted as compared to those who procrastinate and

do not give complete attention to their studies and other tasks. Ideal students are go getters. They aim high and work h


Answered by yunuskhanj786

Good Evening Mate ❤️❤️












An ideal student is the wealth and future of his nation, hope of his family and pride and glory of his school or college. He endears himself to all by his temperament, qualities of head and heart and knowledge. He respects his teachers and is helpful and friendly to his class-fellows. Such good and bright students are the gems of an institution. They are the pillars of a nation. Such students become ideal citizens, politicians, statesmen and leaders.

An ideal student always takes an active part in academic as well as in extra-curricular activities of his college. He is hard-working. He is both attentive and punctual in his duties. He goes to his school or college in time. He attends his class regularly and reads his lessons carefully. He always in the good books of his teachers. He stands first in his school or college. He winds laurels in life and brings credit to his alma mater.

An ideal student is disciplined and obedient. At home he obeys his parents, and at school he obeys his teachers. He always abides by the rules and regulations of his educational institution. He is disciplined in his everyday activities of life. He avoids bad company. He often persuades bad boys from doing evils deeds. He goes not waste his time and energy in strikes and demonstrations.

An ideal student is not a book-worm. He takes an active interest in games and sports. Games and studies go side by side with him. He is fully conversant with the value and advantages of games. He knows that a sound mind lives in a sound body. He considers games an essential part of his education.

He always sticks to his right ideals and aims. ‘Simple living and high thinking’ is the is the motto of his life. He does not run after cuts and fashion. He is not a film fan. He possesses a strong moral character. He is very humble, modest and polite. He always keeps patience. He does not lose courage in the faces them bravely. He is lovable to everyone.

An ideal student is ideal in every field. He takes part in debates, speeches and declamation contests. He shines as a good speakers. He wins medals and trophies and thus brings credit to his school or college.

An ideal student is also a true patriot. He is prepared to serve his country heart and soul and sacrifices himself for the welfare of his country. He does not take part in such activities as cast a slur on the name of his country. It is his deep-rooted wish that his country should occupy a place of pride among the nations of the world.

Since our country is passing through a difficult period of struggle, it is badly in need of ideal students and citizens. The nation can reach the zenith of glory if our students become ideal and participate in the task of national reconstruction. An ideal student is the spark of hope, glory and prosperity of his country. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. The future of the country depends upon student only. Every students should, therefore, try to become an ideal student. An ideal student is ideal in his work, conduct and thought.





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