Write an essay on the topic “Save water, Save life”
100 word
Water is perhaps the second most important substance on Earth after the air. Apart from drinking, there are other benefits of water as well. Thus, it includes cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. Water is not a vital part of the human being’s survival. Also, it important for the survival of trees and plants. Additionally, it is a precious element required for the agricultural as well as various other industrial sectors.
Currently, the biggest problem related to global warming is a huge water depreciation on Earth. This is mainly caused due to misuse of water happening at various places. In the current scenario, it is important to understand the formula for the conversation of water and thereby save water. Because pure water resources are the primary sources for all our necessities. And when it becomes depreciated, it can lead to huge catastrophic conditions for human beings.
Need to Save Water
Currently, there are many regions in the world that are facing extreme water scarcity due to deasil of groundwater and scanty rainfalls. Also, in some areas, the groundwater is contaminated or it has been overused. Thus, these factors have to lead to drought situations and in these areas it has lead to water scarcity. Furthermore, urbanization and industrialization have added to the problems where groundwater has been overused to fulfill the increasing demands of the population.
According to the WHO report, 1 out of people does not have access to safe drinking water. Seeing this, the water crisis in the future does seem inevitable. Also, it calls for an immediate action plan in order to conserve water so that precious resource can be saved for today as well for future generations.
water is an essential component of survival. Without an abundance of water, there would be no existence of humanity and animal-kind. It sustains all life worms on the Earth, beginning from plants to the developed animals, insects, and human beings.
With rising levels of pollution, water resources are being depleted rapidly. The entire Earth consists of 71% water, out of which only a small percentage is drinkable freshwater. It is therefore very essential to save water, to save lives.
Water resources are being massively destroyed in the past few years. On the face of global warming and a rising world population, it is very crucial to save water as much as possible. The need to conserve and save water is essential, and everyone should be aware of it.
To avoid a shortage of water, everyone should participate equally and refrain from misusing and over-using water resources whenever and wherever possible. Currently, the most dangerous threat that the Earth faces is the shortage of freshwater.
Recycling of water should be facilitated. Recycling of water includes reusing wastewater whenever possible. For example, the water that is used during bathing can be used for washing, cleaning, and gardening purposes.
Other methods of conservation of water, reducing pollution of water, and fair use of water should be taken care of. It is imperative to undo the damage which has already been done.