write an essay that explains the ways you have changed since you started middle school
I know everyone changes when they first enter middle school. It is a new chapter in your life with new things to learn about. Everyone changes in many different ways, but I’m just going to tell you how I changed when I entered middle school.
Before I entered middle school I was really immature and irresponsible, but I learned throughout the year to be more responsible with my belongings and
be ready for quizzes and tests. I became more mature by not talking in class and began to focus on getting my work
done. I very quickly learned that when you are in school you always need to use your time wisely for all your
assignments, either at home or in the classroom. I learned that you can’t rely on your teacher to get you to be successful, they can only teach you the tools,
but you have to apply them. Some people do not react well to change. Sometimes when your environment changes, your friend groups do to. It can be very difficult
watching your friends drift away and do things they shouldn’t do because they want to be liked or popular. I’ve learned that I cannot take those decisions personally. I remind myself that I have to be true to who I am and that i don't need to change to fit in. Middle school can be an opportunity to make new friends that I might not otherwise have met in elementary school.
Transitions can be difficult for some people to grasp. You will have difficulties with your locker a lot your first few weeks. Having to switch classes can be confusing and stressful if you are not familiar with the school and don’t know where you are going. Sometimes you don’t mesh well with the teachers or understand what they are trying to teach you. Along with all this you have loads of homework on top of your extra activities outside of school.
My first year of middle school taught me how to manage my time and prioritize my work based off of the requirements that were assigned. I believe these time management skills will set me up for success in high school and college. Usually I wasn’t able to get up in the morning so I would always be late, but now I understand the importance of being on time and take it seriously. Middle school has changed me for the better.