English, asked by saugatpandey3551, 1 year ago

Write an expository essay on what is the biggest environmental issue you think your generation will face and how can it be avoided and how can it be solved?


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                 Biggest Environmental Issue

The biggest environmental issue the entire mankind is facing is the issue of pollution. It has assumed such a colossal proportion that soon it will have unimaginable and uncontrollable ramifications.

As you sow, so shall you reap. These words of wisdom aptly fit to man's self-created present plight. The selfish ignorant man became so much obsessed with amassing wealth by exploiting Mother Nature and disregarding her needs that he could not see that he was damaging the umbilical cord of his own survival! He cut trees and trees in millions of acres of forests; he installed manufacturing units along the banks of life-giving rivers; these manufacturing monsters spewed toxic smoke into the atmosphere whose air he himself breathes; and discharged poisonous effluents into pure water bodies making them dangerously toxic!

His greed didn't let him realize that it was mandatory to treat the toxic effluents before releasing them into rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.; he ignored the most important fact of preserving the purity of environment. He was so smug to have invented refrigerants unaware of the fact that the same would damage the ozone layer. Undoubtedly, he has woken to the shocking irreparable damage his greed has wreaked on this planet, but it is very late! Global warming and myriad of related problems, hole in the ozone layer, dwindling forests, endangered species of flora and fauna are the visible irreparable effects of pollution. The only hope of the survival of the planet lies in his treating the planet, its environment, ecology, animals, plants and trees reverently. Let him regard the sanctity and divinity of the source through which he lives!

                                        How Can It Be Solved?

How can we prevent this deterioration and degradation of our environment? The task of conserving and preserving it is quite Herculean.  The only solution to the critical environmental issues is people’s mass participation in saving the environment. Mass forestation drive, and stopping the use of fossil fuels altogether can solve this problem.

There are other alternative fuels available. The government must act strictly. There should be a ban on fossil fuels. The government must create forest belt near every city or town. Toxic emissions of industries must be strictly regularized.  Installation of toxic smoke and effluents treatment plants must be mandatory at every industrial unit. With these measures strictly and immediately implemented the environmental health will improve considerably.

If we succeed in implementing all the above mentioned measures, we will be the beneficiaries; our coming generations will be able to live in a purer and healthier environment. This will be our best gift to them, as well as us.  

Answered by ans81
 <b>Environmental Issues

There are many environmental issues in this modern technological world affecting our health and lifestyle to a great extent. All the environmental issues are need to be solved on urgent basis by the effort of all human beings on this planet. It is very necessary to enhance the awareness among common public especially youths (as they can better understand and handle the situation).

Essay writing competitions are very common which are organized in the school campus or outside the campus by the school authority or government in order to improve awareness as well as knowledge of the students on particular topic. We have provided many essay on environmental issues to help students. Some of the topics are like environment, global warming, pollution, deforestation, water pollution, etc.
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