English, asked by khush9943, 6 months ago

write an imaginary conversation between you and a tree in a forest with is on the verge of deforestation​


Answered by rudrapratapsingh36

Tree: Hello friend. Glad to meet you.

Man: Hello. Nice to meet you too.

Tree: I appreciate your efforts to plant me and water me to this level and protect me from being cut. You must be of a good heart.

Man: Oh.. Thanks. I appreciate too. So how is the going so far?

Tree: It is indeed a nice time growing day by day. The only challenge is the fear of being cut down any time. Nowadays humam being are cutting a lot of trees and clearing the forest.

Man: Do not worry, I am always here to ensure you last.

Tree: Thanks for the assurance. How about the constant pollution that chokes me many times? What can you do about it?

Man: I have tried but sometimes those who pollute the environment and cut trees are not sensitive. But I hope soon things will change.

Tree: I also wish and pray so. Please let you and your race do something about it and not cut me.

Man: Oh yes my dear. I must ensure your well being.

Tree: Thanks friend and have a nice time.

Man: You too my friend.

Answered by Anonymous


Tree: Hello!

me:(in shock)who is that?

tree: it's a soul about to die.

me:(realises it was a tree)wait...this can't be real!

tree's don't speak, do they?

tree: yes it does.

me:how come no one else knows about it?

tree: because you never paid attention to, everything has a soul,a soul that can speak without no language.That can make you feel a thousand emotions

me:(confused)maybe... maybe we have tried!?

tree:no,you haven't tried.did you realise what is happening here?

me:sadly yes! they are cutting down the trees and they are gonna kill you too...I begged to them to stop this but it's beyond my control.

tree: I know child, but it's more than me dying, today what those people are doing maybe just cutting down the trees,but when every time a tree fall they are pushing your generation towards death!

me: is there something I can do? should I... should I stop them...I swear I won't let you die... please tell me...

tree:ah kiddo,for now there's nothing you can do...just don't be like them when you grow up...oh they are coming towards me...guess it's time to say goodbye.

me:but...but...I can't let you die...


idk if you asked this question based on chapter you have to study but if it is change it accordingly.okay?

ps.hope it helps:)

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