Write an imaginary dialogue between a person from Libya and Myanmar comparing the events and struggle for democracy
Libya and Myanmar comparing the events and struggle for democracy
Person 1: In our country Myanmar, we fought hard to get the democracy. All out events and struggle were experienced by our people in the olden days for this.
Person 2: Same here at Libya too. Libyan Civil War was the biggest event in our country before forming the democracy.
Person 1: Burmese democracy movement was the big turn around for us to form the democracy. Thank god we are democratic are also democratic nation now like you.
Libyan person: Looks like we have come a long way after the death of Gaddafi, but the new-found freedom doesn’t seem to lead us anywhere. It’s hard to come out of the shadow of being in a dictatorial regime of 3-4 decades.
Myanmar person: At least you know who your president is. In Myanmar, although, everyone considers Aung San Suu Kyi as their leader, but officially someone else is the President of the country. I am sorry I don’t know his name.
Myanmar person: We are currently living in a bad phase. Our parents and grandparent’s generation had fought a lot for democracy. Still the life is not good.
Libya person: It goes the same with our place too, even we struggled a lot to reach where we are, still there is no contentmen