write an labactivity to test starch? ( note÷ write aim, apparatus, procedure, observation, conclusion)
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hey mate !!
here is the answer
Aim:to prove carbohydrates (or)starch is present in leaf
Apparatus required :1. wide mouthed
beaker with water
2. Test tube
3. Asbestos gauze
4. Tripod stand
5.Bunsen burner
6. methylated spirit
7.Iodine solution
8.petri dish
9. Narrow leaf
Procedure :
Take a wide mouthed beaker with water
2.Add few ml of methylated spirit and place it in beaker with water
3.The beaker with water is kept on asbestos gauze
4.The entire apparatus are arranged on the tripod stand
5.Heat is applied to beaker with water through asbestos gauze with the help of Bunsen burner
6.The test tube with methylated spirit and narrow leaf is boiled
7.After boiling the leaf in methylated spirit, lift out the leaf from the test tube
8.when the leaf is treated with methylated spirit it looses all pigments. so , the leaf turns into pale white colour .
9. take the leaf into petri dish and pour some drops of Iodine solution .Iodine is a reagent it identifies the presence. of starch in the leaf
When the leaf is treated with Iodine solution .The pale coloured leaf turns into dark blue or black colour .The dark blue or black colour indicates the presence of starch in the leaf
conclusion :
By this experiment I conclude that starch is present in leaf
hope it helps you