Write and Essay On Prevention Is Better Than Cure
essay on prevention is better than cure in 200-250 words.
Prevention is better than cure because if we take precautions then we will defeat many diseases. for example nowadays dengue, malaria, mosquitoes are increasing day by day. if we burn mosquito coil and switch on all out in the evening to prevent mosquito come inside the house we shouldnt store water in an open vessel or tank it should be always cover, we should keep our surrounding clean and wear full sleves cloth this is the way we prevent ourself from mosquito bite.
to keep ourself fit and healthy we should take care of our health by eating proper food, and wearing proper clothes according to the season. for example nowadays, we all know winter is going to start so we should start wearing full sleves clothes, switch off fans, not to drink cold water from fridge, thats the way we are able to fight from cold or cough
if we cant take precautions we fall ill and go to doctor and he will treat us and we have to eat so many medicines if we dont want to fall ill we should take care of ourself in advance.
as we all know there is shortage of water on earth if we shouldnt waste water unnecessarily, thats the way we are able to save water if we dont stop wastage of water then one day there is no water on the earth and all the living things like human being, plant, animals, etc will die due to no water. so prevention is better than cure..
as we all know that rainfall is decreasing day by day due to deforestation, if we dont stop cutting green trees, so one day there is no tree so that we cant breath because there is no oxygen, we cant live without fruit, vegetables. with wood many more things are made like paper, pencil, furniture, etc. if there is no rain
our earth will face so many problems like global warming, dought, earthquake, etc..
if we cant take precautions in advance so we have to suffer with soo many problems, so i think prevention is better than cure...