write any 2 clauses drain theory
In this article we will discuss about the Drain. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Meaning of the Drain 2. Causes of the Drain 3. Estimate 4. Consequence 5. Effects on England 6. Effects on India 7. Methods of Reducing the Drain.
Meaning of the Drain:
During the last quarter of the 19th century a great controversy arose over the question of ‘The Drain’ between the nationalist leaders of India and the Protagonists of Britain. Indian nationalist thinkers developed the theory of Drain mainly for analysing main cause of poverty in India.
The main agreement that was advanced in this respect was that “a significant portion of India’s national wealth was transferred to England without any quid pro quo.” The experts described such ‘Drain’ on India’s resources as the transfer of resources from India to England either by getting nothing in return or getting only disproportionately a smaller part of such transfer of resources.