Write any two qualities of bob dylan?
american singer,song writer
Andrew Hart
, former Local History Librarian at Sefton Council (1998-2013)
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 969 answers and 326.6K answer views
Thank you for the question. Here are a few ideas as to why Bob Dylan is such an important songwriter.
a) The variety of his songwriting; compare in the wind (a civil rights song), the surrealism of Desolation Row, the bitterness of Idiot Wind and a religious song such as Every Grain of Sand. All great songs showing the versatility of the man and perhaps all recognisably Dylan and yet very different in tone and style.
b) The beauty of his language; for example Mr Tambourine Man shows a real feel for words and is a beautiful song.
d) Whilst Dylan does sing love songs, some very beautiful he writes about many other things, for example My Back Pages about the death of youthful idealism, Like a Rolling stone about the fall from grace of someone high and mighty, Not Dark yet, about death. He covers a wide range of subjects, many quite complex.