Hindi, asked by premkumarkrnar, 1 year ago

write apaeagraph secret of work​


Answered by Anonymous

Swami Vivekananda, the most well-known of disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, is well know for his extensive exposition of the four types of Yoga – Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Raja Yoga. The lecture titled “The Secret of Work” belongs to his extensive commentaries on the Yoga of Action (Karma Yoga). This blog post serves as the first in a series of posts that will explore this Vivekananda lecture.

Why should we be concerned with exploring “The Secret of Work”? What is this secret that needs to be revealed? Doesn’t the revered Bhagavad Gita in its famous shloka which states: “karmanye vaadhikaa raste, maa phaleshu kadaachanaa” reveal the secret of work to us? Swami Vivekananda does use this Gita shloka as a foundational cornerstone for this lecture which serves as a commentary for those who wish to implement its message in their daily lives.

Helping others physically, by removing their physical needs, is indeed great; but the help is greater according as the need is greater and according as the help is far-reaching. If a man’s wants can be removed for an hour, it is helping him indeed; if his wants can be removed for a year, it is more helpful; but if his wants can be removed forever, it is surely the greatest help that can be given him. Spiritual knowledge is the only thing that can destroy our miseries forever; any other knowledge satisfies wants only for a time. It is only with the knowledge of the spirit that the faculties of want are annihilated forever; so, helping man spiritually is the highest help that can be given.

This is the opening paragraph of Vivekananda’s lecture. The reader may note that the Swami does not waste any time in getting straight to the point. So, if one were to stop here, and not even read the rest of the lecture, they would have gained at least something useful. He further explains his assertion that “spiritual help is the highest help” by stating that “spirituality is the true basis of all activities in life”. Those of us who grew up in India know this to be true to some degree – even though we need to be aware that “religious practice” and “spirituality” can be very different from each other.

Hope you got ti.......

Answered by firuja

the secret of work .whatever we do ,we want a return,we are all tredars in life,we are traders in virtue ,we are traders in religion,and alas!we are also traders in love.

if u come to trades if it is a question of give and take if it is question of buy and sell abide by the laws of buying and selling .there is a bad time and there is a good time .it is looking like at the mirror your face is reflected ,there is one in the mirror ,if u laugh the mirror laugh ,this buying and selling ,giving and talking .

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