Biology, asked by vedant4322, 9 months ago

Write characteristics of ectomycorrhiza.​


Answered by Anonymous

Some characteristics of ectomycorrhiza are as follows:-

1. They are found in very less plant species. Are only seen in 3% plants.

2. Ectomycorrhiza is also known as ectotrophic mycorrhiza.

3. In them pseudo parenchymatous sheath covers full root surface.

4. Pseudo parenchymatous sheath is composed of fungal hyphae.

5. In plants like Eucalyptus, Pinus & Oak ectomycorrhizal fungi is seen.

6. They are found in basidiomycetes class usually. Clavatia & Amanita is the best example of this.

7. They are may be member of class ascomycetes.

Answered by Anonymous


here is your answer dude


Ectomycorrhizal roots are characterized by the presence of a mantle and Har- tig net. The Hartig net consists of entangled hyphae be- tween the root epidermis and cell cortex. It is estimated that over 5,000 fungi species are capable of forming ec- tomycorrhizal symbiosis.

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thanks my answer

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