Biology, asked by Ravispssbp, 9 months ago

write detailed information about COVID-19 ? since its origin ? how it affect students lyf ? dont answer if u dont hv enough knowledge abot this// copied ans. will be deleted on the spot. #your account will be warned and # BAN.


Answered by sedara652


Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously

Answered by Anonymous

Covid is just like common cold which can be cured easily by some natural methods only. Today the reality is that people are more scared of taking the vaccines than they are of Covid-19.* We thus demand complete transparency on all Covid-19 Vaccine Human Trial Data, so as to build a standard mechanism of *"Informed Medical Consent"* for Covid Vaccine *acceptance, or its outright rejection*, as we Indians refuse to be used & abused as experimental lab rats for the Pharmaceutical Corporations.

The fraudulent & criminal trials conducted upon the people of Bhopal, who were already victims of the Union Carbide Gas Tragedy of 1984*. Once again these people are being victimised & used upon in this nefarious diabolical Human Experimentation. Since there clearly aren't enough volunteers for these trials, they are entrapping the people from the Bastis & Slums, with lies & financial inducements. *Those part of the Bhopal trials were told that they were being given medicine to prevent covid infection & were not told that they were part of an experimental clinical trial.* Shameful & Criminal indeed! Yet the Government sides with the Bill Gates Foundation funded Pharma companies, the same Bill Gates who has a history of indulgence in fraudulent medical activities in India & across the world.

Vaccines are Safe? Then why no legal accountability and no legal provision of compensation for the Adverse Effect Victims?*

Worse, even as both Serum Institute of India, Oxford/Astra Zenaca & Bharat Biotech, including Pfizer, Moderna, GlaxoSmithKline & others claim to be totally safe, with now ridiculous pronoucements from 110% to 200%, these are no more than lying desperate claims. Yet, since the Government & the Pharma companies are so confident of the safety of the Vaccines trial results, they must immediately declare that the

Pharmaceutical-Vaccine manufacturers will be legally liable & accountable to face the Courts, as well as pay adequate compensation for Vaccine induced & related adverse effects, deaths, damages & injuries.

It is highly questionable and suspicious as to why the CEO of Serum Institute of India, Adar Poonawalla, has come out publicly and asked the Government to exempt them of any legal liability?

This was all said on the background that even before the trials are over, more than 5 Crore doses are ready! Ridiculous indeed! So the final vaccine product is already ready & stored, ready to be rolled out and given to hundreds of millions of Indians! These trials worldover are a mere eyewash! As stated by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) - *"the mantra of a highly successful trial, is in the trial design itself."*

Serum Institute has millions of doses ready since months, thanks to funding given to them by none other than Bill Gates, who is connected with all Covid Vaccine manufacturing companies & institutions the worldover. Gates is their funder and also this so-called Philanthro-Capitalist is the primary influencer of the World Health Organisation (WHO), in capacity as its biggest donor via his numerous medico-health ventures and partners.

Most importantly Soumya Swaminathan, currently the Chief Scientist at the WHO and ex-Director General at ICMR, has publically stated that *there is no evidence that the vaccines will prevent transmission of the virus or infection, an astounding statement indeed!!* Hence, any reason to force vaccines on people for the greater good in the name of herd immunity & protecting the elderly and the immune compromised gets completely diluted! Thus any kind of impositions of restrictions on people via health passports/vaccine certificates for people who refuse the vaccine (as has been stated by members from the Health ministry), is unscientific, unconstitutional & totally fraudulent!

I'm having too many videos revealing the truth...but can't post here and for students, it's wasting their time. All the gadgets are making the students physically n mentally weak. Those parents who tried to keep their kids away from mobile phones n all they are now forced to use it as it's only the way they can study now.

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