Write diary format from the given topic

hello lipsanag siso ✌❤✨✨✨✨✨
hey Siso!...hope it will help you...
diary entry -:
dear diary,
I am very sad today, I had a very bad fight with my best friend. even though this is not the first time we had a fight, but today she said that she'll never talk to me again and even I said that I don't want to her face again. that time I was angry, and the words were coming out of my mouth from nowhere. I really didn't wanted to say all that I said, I don't even remember what I had said so far but I know whatever it was, it wasn't nice. but she started the fight she was the one who said that I can't do this and that and all. and we had a fight. that time I was really mad at her. but now I feel really bad because she's my only best friend and she's really nice. whatever I did, I regret it now. I want to run back to her and say sorry. I don't know what she must be thinking about me. oh my, how bad it can be!?...do you think she'll ever talk with me now?...Im scared, I can't bare to lose my best friend. I've made my mind, tomorrow I'll apologize to her for what I did and I know she'll forgive me.
Diary writing is one of the most personal and informal categories of writing. A diary writing can be based on an experience, a scene, a description or narration of certain event or any other thing or activity that the writer considers worth writing in his personal diary.
Format of Diary Writing-
If viewers are having any difficulty in viewing the format, kindly see the format on web(brainly.in) for better concept and understanding.