write down in the tabular from the various microstate and macrostate of a system of 3 particles arranged in 3 compartments assuming the particles to be:
1. distinguishable and 2.indistinguishable
distinguishable is righ answer
hope it will help you
No. Macrostates Microstates
Particles Particles distinguishable
No. of Microstates
1. 0 0 3 0 0 aaa 3!/(0!0!3!) = 1 0 0 abc
2. 0 3 0 0 aaa 0 3!/(0!3!0!) = 1 0 abc 0
3. 3 0 0 aaa 0 0 3!/(3!0!0!) = 1 abc 0 0
4. 0 1 2 0 a aa 3!/(0!1!2!) = 3
5. 0 2 1 0 aa a 3!/(0!2!1!) = 3
6. 1 0 2 a 0 aa 3!/(1!0!2!) = 3
7. 2 0 1 aa 0 a 3!/(2!0!1!) = 3
8. 1 2 0 a aa 0 3!/(1!2!0!) = 3
9. 2 1 0 aa a 0 3!/(2!1!0!) = 3
10. 1 1 1 a a a 3!/(1!1!1!) = 6
Total number of microstates = 3³ = 27.