write down the advantage of cross pollution??
The offspring are healthier. The seeds are produced in larger number and are more viable. The seeds develop and germinate properly and grow into better plants. Results in new varieties because cross-pollination can be carried out between two different varieties of the same species or even two species..
Cross Pollination: The transfer of pollen grains from the anther of the flower of one plant to the stigma of the flower of another plant of the same species is known as cross-pollination. As the pollination occurs between flowers of two different plants, genetics recombination is found in this allogamy.
(1) Cross-pollination brings about genetic recombination resulting into the origin of new varieties.
(2) The offspring produced through cross-pollination are healthy and stronger due to hybrid vigour.
(3) Numerous crop plants (such as sunflower, mustard, clover etc.) give higher yields if only cross-pollination is allowed to occur in them.
(4) Variations are produced due to cross-pollination resulting into the origin of disease resistant plants.