Write down the type of white blood cells ?Explain it's function.
Lymphocytes :- they create antibodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful invaders
⇒ White Blood Cell divide into two main groups :
1] Granulocytes
2] Agranulocytes
1] Granulocytes : These cells make up about 75% of the total white cell. They are made in bone marrow & Survive for 21 days .It may be classified according to their staining properties as :
Vutrophela : They can pass out of the blood stream through the capillary walls ,to accumulate where there is infection.
Monocytes : These are make up about 5% of total white cell count . They are largest of the white cell and have a horse shoe shaped nucleus.
2] Agranulocytes : [ Mono – nuclear leukocytes ] and it divide into two parts – 1] Lymphocytes 2] Monocytes
1] Lymphocytes divide into two types of cells – B cells and T cells
B cells make antibodies that bind to pathogens to enable their destruction .
T cells or neutral killer are able to kill cells of the body that are inefected by a virus . T cells are crucial to the immune response .
2] Monocytes
Vaccum cleaner { Phagocyte} Monocytes are known as Macrophages , After they migrate from macrophages and enter tissues