Science, asked by vishu0612, 10 months ago

write equation showing relation between conductance and conductivity​


Answered by Anonymous


Conductance is the extrinsic property while conductivity is the intrinsic property. This means that conductance is the property of an object dependent of its amount/mass or physical shape and size, while conductivity is the inherent property of the material that makes up the object. No matter how the object changes in terms of shape/size/mass, as long as it is made of the same material and the temperature remains the same, its conductivity does not change. Conversely, the conductance of a conductor changes with its cross-sectional area and length. Of course, a higher conductivity also gives an object a higher conductance. The formula that relates conductivity with conductance is:


where G is the conductance, σ the conductivity, A the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the direction of electric current, and l the length of the conductor. This formula applies for any (geometrically) prismic or cylindrical conductor, including cuboids.

⚡Hope it will be helpful.⚡

Answered by ItzUnic0rns

Conductance is a mass dependent property, while conductivity is an inherent or intrinsic property and does not depend on mass. 

Conductance of equal mass will vary depending upon its shape and size also.

Conductance is the property of an object, whereas conductivity is the property of a material.

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