Write essay on Be the change you want to see in 2900 words
Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” This means that we must set an example and implement the right kind of changes in order to make the world a beautiful place. In other words, if we want to see a change in a place we should be the one do it first for ourselves.
We spend a lot of time trying to change other people. There is, after all, so much wrong with them: they’re selfish, arrogant, bullying, weak, cold, needy and so on. So we try to point this out – and often meet with resistance, denial or sheer indifference. This can be very agitating and hence renders us cross and severe. In our behaviour, we tend to be making an implicit distinction between two projects: getting other people to change – and changing ourselves. We know we may have to develop in certain ways, but for now, our focus is on altering others. We make an evolution in our own behaviour conditional on evolutions in other people’s. We vow that we’ll be nicer if they’re nicer, that we’ll be less strident if they give up shouting.However, we’re prone to miss an important insight: changing how you behave to others can be the fastest way to alter how others behave towards you. People tend – to a remarkable extent – to mirror behaviour. If someone is aggressive around them, they become aggressive back. If someone is gentle, they become soft in return. If someone acts wisely, it’ll draw any latent reserves of wisdom out of the audience.Here it bears to remember a saying often falsely attributed to Mahatma Gandhi though eminently useful nevertheless: ‘Be the change you want to see.’ It captures something key: how sensible it may often be to give up on teaching directly in order to try to teach by example. This has one great advantage: we can control ourselves while it’s remarkably hard to exert any sort of direct control over anyone else. Our disappointment with other people should be redirected towards exerting control over the one thing we can reliably command: ourselves.