English, asked by bhumikasmart22, 9 months ago

Write essay on : Educating the girl children.
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Answered by Anonymous


Today’s girl child will be the mother of tomorrow. As a mother she can give her child a sound nursing and capable upbringing. A woman has the maximum impact on the social, economical decisions making in the family generally. At micro level, educated woman help in making the whole family including the older family members, understand the values and importance of education, and at macro level, educated women add to the social and economical development of the nation.

Women’s social conditions started deteriorating with the passage of time. Instead of giving them education, they are being subjected to sufferings under Purdah System, Child marriage. In some states female infanticide is prevalent even today. A new culture of elimination of female foetus has gradually become rampant discrimination between the education of girl and boy is common in rural areas. Parents feel that the education of girls is a wastage as they will go to their husbands after marriage and more dowry have to be paid for a more educated girl. The poverty and illiteracy among the people is also big reason for not sending the girls to schools and colleges. But things are being changed, though slowly, but gradually.

The various awakening programmes launched by the government for encouraging the girls education, the introduction of TV’s in rural areas, the 33% reservation given to females in Panchayats, have played positive role in this direction. Now the important of educating the girls is being felt. Several other policies, like 30% reservation to women candidates in services, enhanced subsidy to girls entrepreneurs, various self employment schemes launched for the benefits of women like Women Entrepreneur Development Programme, Self Help Groups of women have resulted in mobilizing and directing the parents to get their daughters educated. The educated women can help in eradicating many social evils prevalent in the society, like Dowry, killing the female foetus, discrimination in the matter of education of the girls , illiteracy and so on. Many programmes of the government like population control, polio eradication, programmes relating to the development of the rural area in which the cooperation and coordination of the rural masses are necessary, can well be taken care by the women representatives of the Panchayats. If these representatives are educated the implementation of the programs will be a grand success. Education gives effectiveness and confidence to the women.

Girls education is like sowing the seed which gives rise to green, cheerful and full grown family plant. In ancient time girl’s education had a significant place in the society. Gargi and Maitreyi played very encouraging role in spreading the education to a great extent.

Answered by s242


If we look at the demographics, India is one of the most populated countries. However, the rate of girl education is quite low in the country. It is quite troubling to see the figures in a country where women are given the status of goddesses. The figures have significantly improved to an extent but there’s still a long way to go.

Essay on Girl Education

Women were not allowed to even step out of their houses in ancient India, but times are changing. Along with changing times, people’s thinking is also changing. They wish to educate their girls and see them succeed in life. However, this is not the case in rural India which makes for more than 60% of the population. We need to identify the factors responsible for such low rates of girl education to find some solutions.

Factors Contributing to Low Rate of Girl Education

There are various factors that make it impossible for girls to get an education in our country. Firstly, the poverty rate is alarming. Even though education is being made free, it still involves a substantial cost to send girls to school. Therefore, families who are struggling to make ends meet fail to pay the educational expenses of their children.

Secondly, in rural areas, there aren’t many schools. This creates a distance problem as they are located far from the villages. In some areas, students have to walk for three to four hours to reach their school. This is where the safety of the girls gets compromised so parents don’t see it fit to send them off so far.

Furthermore, the regressive thinking of the people makes it tougher for girls to get an education. Some people still believe girls are meant to stay in their houses and look after the kitchen. They do not like women to do any other tasks expect for household ones.

Other than that, social issues like child marriage and child labor also stop the girl from getting an education. Parents pull daughters out of school to marry them off at an early age. Also, when girls indulge in child labor, they do not get time to study.


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