English, asked by santhoshanagulapalli, 3 months ago

write essay on funny travelling experiences of yours​


Answered by Jayashree758


My friend  lived in Vietnam, and I decided to visit him for a couple of days. I thought we were going to stay in his house and won’t leave the city much, but in the end we decided to go for a hike. I had not proper clothing with me, just some shorts and regular shoes, and he didn’t either, but we went anyway. We went through quite thick jungle, scratched our skin a bit, but were happy that no reptiles live here. We finally reached the summit and met a local guy there. I don’t know why, but we asked him if there are any snakes living in his area? He burst out laughing and said “this is called the Snake Mountain!”. We really looked where we put our feet on the way down!

On the same trip we decided to visit another city with a guide. At one point I asked him if I should be worried about malaria, as we were going to a different region. He smiled and said “no problem!”. Only the first building we saw in the other city had an enormous sign on it “Malaria Hospital”.

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