English, asked by sarena3889, 1 year ago

Write essay on how english will make india a developed country?


Answered by sethu97
1. Increased penalty and immediate action for crime

Crime Records in India are pending for ages. There could be 10% which have immediate judgements in India. Also every judgement will have an option to come out of it. In order to avoid any crime the penalty for each crime should be severe and immediate, and no option should be given as an alternative for the judgement finalized. Every individual who committed crime must undergo the severe punishments, which will not allow the any other person in the country to commit the same crime.

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2. Death sentence for rapists

India is now in the trend of rape. Every day in the paper we read at least an average of 2 incidents of rape. There has been no reduction in these cases. Men attempting do not fear of anything. Single punishment for rape should be “Death”. Men should be scared even to touch a women when this is the case. Any kind of eve teasing should also have severe punishments to avoid any sexual harassment.

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3. Strict and immediate action for corruption

Corruption is our major threat. Every year we come across a major scam and multiple crores are in picture in such scams. However people forget as the year passes, reason being there are no judgements given for such, which allows people to perform such scams as they wish. As mentioned above, there should be immediate judgement and severe punishment for the corruption, which should dare people to get into the world of corruption

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4. Payment of Prompt and Real tax

Black Money – In India, Black money refers to funds earned on the black market, on which income and other taxes have not been paid. The total amount of black money deposited in foreign banks by Indians is unknown. Some reports claim a total exceeding US$1.4 trillion are stashed in Switzerland. If every Indian takes up the responsibility to pay the Real tax promptly and effectively, the money which is supposed to be utilized for India development will be utilized efficiently and India do not have to look forward from other World Organizations.

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5. Minimum Wages For Every Citizen of India

Similar to UK, USA and other western countries, India must implement improvised National Minimum Wages Act and make the employers follow it strictly. No citizen must work less than a certain amount of daily wages. This will benefit towards the country’s development in many ways. Currently we do have Minimum Wages Act 1948 which is not effectively followed by the employers. You can check the daily minimum wages for your region in this online website: paycheck.in

The long-term aim of a minimum wage is to remove the problem of poverty pay, which exists when the earnings from paid work do not result in a living wage and fail to push people out of poverty. There will be no citizen in the country below poverty line.

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6. Start Green revolution

India is supposed to be a Green India however when we enter any hi tech city we see only buildings and no trees. As a result there is pollution, no rain and people end up with suffering from unknown diseases. Every individual should take up responsibility of having a tree per house at least to make India a Green India

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