write few sentences about talukdars
plz answer fast
That Taluqa or district usually comprised over 84 villages and a central town. The Talukdar was required to collect taxes, maintain law & order, and provide military supplies/manpower to the provincial government. In most cases the Talukdars were entitled to keep one tenth of the collected revenue.
in hindi
वह तालुका या जिला आमतौर पर 84 गांवों और एक केंद्रीय शहर में शामिल था। तालुकदार को करों को इकट्ठा करने, कानून और व्यवस्था बनाए रखने और प्रांतीय सरकार को सैन्य आपूर्ति / श्रमशक्ति प्रदान करने की आवश्यकता थी। ज्यादातर मामलों में तालुकदार एकत्रित राजस्व का दसवां हिस्सा रखने के हकदार थे।
That Taluqa or district usually comprised over 84 villages and a central town. The Talukdar was required to collect taxes, maintain law & order, and provide military supplies/manpower to the provincial government. In most cases the Talukdars were entitled to keep one tenth of the collected revenue.
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