write important characters of meristematic tissue give classification of meristematic
Characteristics of Meristematic Tissue:
They are composed of immature cells. ...
Absence of intercellular spaces.
Cells are oval, rounded or polygonal in shape.
Cells are always living and thin walled.
Cells are rich in cytoplasm with minute vacuoles. ...
Cell is diploid and shows mitotic cell division.
Characteristics of Meristematic Tissue:
1. They are composed of immature cells.
2. Absence of intercellular spaces.
3. Cells are oval, rounded or polygonal in shape.
4. Cells are always living and thin walled.
5. Cells are rich in cytoplasm with minute vacuoles.
6. Cell is diploid and shows mitotic cell division.
7. Cell is devoid of reserve food materials, ER and plastids.
L.S Shoot to Show position of meristematic tissues