English, asked by shobha15102002, 7 months ago

write in brief devlopment of female gemotophyte​


Answered by TheEmeraldGirl


The angiosperm female gametophyte is critical for plant reproduction. Female gametophyte development begins early in ovule development with the formation of a diploid megaspore mother cell that undergoes meiosis. One resulting haploid megaspore then develops into the female gametophyte.

Answered by Anonymous


Development of Female Gametophyte The whole process of female gametophyte development occurs in two different phases. The first phase involves the megasporogenesis, where a single diploid mother cell undergoes meiosis to form haploid megaspore tetrad out of which only one will survive and other three disintegrate


A gametophyte is one of the two alternating multicellular phases in the life cycles of plants and algae. It is a haploid multicellular organism that develops from a haploid spore that has one set of chromosomes. The gametophyte is the sexual phase in the life cycle of plants and algae. It develops sex organs that produce gametes, haploid sex cells that participate in fertilization to form a diploid zygote which has a double set of chromosomes. Cell division of the zygote results in a new diploid multicellular organism, the second stage in the life cycle known as the sporophyte. The sporophyte can produce haploid spores by meiosis that on germination produce a new generation of gametophytes.

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