Write in details about the history of medieval indian art
Art historians attempt to classify medieval art into major periods and styles, often with some difficulty. A generally accepted scheme includes the later phases of Early Christian art, Migration Period art, Byzantine art, Insular art, Pre-Romanesque, Romanesque art, andGothic art, as well as many other periods within these central styles. In addition each region, mostly during the period in the process of becoming nations or cultures, had its own distinct artistic style, such as Anglo-Saxon art or Norse art.
Medieval art was produced in many media, and the works that remain in large numbers include sculpture, illuminated manuscripts,stained glass, metalwork and mosaics, all of which have had a higher survival rate than other media such as fresco wall-paintings, work in precious metals or textiles, includingtapestry. Especially in the early part of the period, works in the so-called "minor arts" ordecorative arts, such as metalwork, ivory carving, enamel and embroidery using precious metals, were probably more highly valued than paintings or monumental sculpture.[1]
Medieval art in Europe grew out of the artistic heritage of the Roman Empire and theiconographic traditions of the early Christian church. These sources were mixed with the vigorous "barbarian" artistic culture of Northern Europe to produce a remarkable artistic legacy. Indeed, the history of medieval art can be seen as the history of the interplay between the elements of classical, early Christian and "barbarian" art.[2] Apart from the formal aspects of classicism, there was a continuous tradition of realistic depiction of objects that survived in Byzantine art throughout the period, while in the West it appears intermittently, combining and sometimes competing with new expressionist possibilities developed in Western Europe and the Northern legacy of energetic decorative elements. The period ended with the self-perceived Renaissance recovery of the skills and values of classical art, and the artistic legacy of the Middle Ages was thendisparaged for some centuries. Since a revival of interest and understanding in the 19th century it has been seen as a period of enormous achievement that underlies the development of later Western art.

Sedimentation and decantation methods are used for the separation of insoluble substances which are heavier than liquid. ... Decantation follows sedimentation. The decantation process involves pouring clear, upper liquid out of the container, without disturbing the sediment.
सीबीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षा 2021 (CBSE Board Exam 2021) को लेकर बढ़ती अटकलों के बीच एक शीर्ष बोर्ड अधिकारी ने पुष्टि की है कि कक्षा 10 और 12 की परीक्षाएं (CBSE Board 10, 12 Exam 2021) हमेशा की तरह फरवरी-मार्च में ही आयोजित होंगी. एक न्यूज पोर्टल से बात करते हुए केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (CBSE) के परीक्षा नियंत्रक सनम भारद्वाज ने कहा कि अब बोर्ड की परीक्षा 2021 में देरी करने की कोई योजना नहीं है.
सीबीएसई द्वारा 10 वीं 12 वीं बोर्ड परीक्षा 2021 को ऑफलाइन आयोजित किए जाने की पुष्टि होने के लगभग एक सप्ताह बाद परीक्षा नियंत्रक सनम भारद्वाज ने बोर्ड परीक्षा की तारीख की पुष्टि की है.