Write letter to editor about global warming
From - Deepika
Patel Nagar West
Block no: 28
Delhi ,110008
Date - Jan 23 2017
To - The editor
Times of India
Delhi, 110052
Dear Editor ,
Global warming is expected to have far-reaching, long-lasting and, in many cases, terrible consequences for Earth. The effects of climate change are profound and far-reaching.
Global warming is real and is caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide , methane and many other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.The global warming is having a measurable effect on our planet . Ice is melting in both polar ice caps as well as in mountain glaciers.Lakes around the world are warming rapidly.
One of the most immediate and apparent effects of global warming is the increase in temperature.Extreme weather is also an effect of global warming.
The most dramatic effects of global warming is the reduction in Arctic sea ice. According to the scientists , within a matter of years, the Arctic Sea will be completely ice-free during the summer months.
As the ice melts, the ocean levels rise simultaneously.
The effects of global warming on the Earth's ecosystems are expected to be widespread.
Along with less nutritious food, the effect of global warming on human health is also expected to be serious.
Solution to global warming is reducing pollution and tree plantation.
Yours truly
New Delhi
13th August, 2020
The Editor,
The Hindustan Times,
New Delhi.
Subject: Solutions to Global Warming.
Global warming is the phenomenon of the increase in the temperature of the atmosphere due to the presence of excessive green house gases. Global warming will results in melting of the polar ice caps and raise in the ocean level which will submerge islands and coastal lands. Global warming is a reality but there are remedies too.
Planting more trees will reduce the amount of the harmful carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere and reduce global warming. We need to use alternative energy instead of burning of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum products. Burning of fossil fuels increase global warming and also deplete the ozone layer which protects us from the harmful effects of UV rays of the Sun.
Proper treatment of industrial waste before they are dumped and using renewable energy, electric, hydro and solar energy will help us to reduce the danger of global warming. Urgent steps must be taken to reduce exhaust emissions from motor vehicles, power plants, factories and industries. Global warming needs global action to save and preserve life.
Yours sincerely,
Mayur Vihar, New Delhi