English, asked by viyeha9522, 1 day ago

Write me a poem about respiration, circulation, digestion, nervous system, muscle and bones. It must rhyme!


Answered by umarsatti079


I’ll tell my story,

After I breathe O-2,

Then exhale the air,

As I go and prepare,

This story I’m telling to you…

To breathe it’s a breeze,

We all need to breathe,

Animals, insects, and fish in the seas!

Air through our mouth,

Or in through our nose,

Down through our trachea,

That’s how it goes!

Through bronchial tubes,

Into the lungs,

For body to use,

Like ladders use rungs…

Alveoli come next,

Cool little sac,

Like ravioli and cheese,

They deliver a snack!

Oxygen to blood,

They’re really quite nice,

Remove C-O-2,

They’re all working twice…

When we exhale,

It let’s humans speak,

Moves vocal cords,

To sing or to squeak…

Respiration is cool,

It’s not very shoddy,

It’s a really great

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