Write notice on wrist watch lost your wrist watch that you removed to play basketball with your class in the school playground write a notice in about 40words requesting the finder to give you back your watch
G.D. DAV public school
Date 05/01/2020
I lostmy wrist watch.
I am student of class 7 . at Tuesday when our game period held on 4th period . we went to play ground with my class mates . when l busy to play with my friends l lost my wrist watch . I try to find my watch but it didn't work. I am requesting you all if anyone was find my watch so please return me.
Bhavya Malviya
class 7
section F
Write a Notice - You lost wrist watch and requesting the finder to give it back to you.
Wrist watch lost
9th January, 2020
Dear all,
This is to bring to your notice that yesterday I lost my Fastrack black colored wrist watch on the playground.
Before playing basketball, I removed my wrist watch and kept it on my bag. After the game was over, I found that my watch was missing. I searched for it everywhere but failed to find it. If anybody finds it kindly submit it in the office.
Rohan ( class IX -A)