Social Sciences, asked by amiablehemant5536, 10 months ago

Write on violence in the media and violence in society essay


Answered by mausumi2003

another form of violence which influences behaviour in our society is video games. Almost all children play video games. An average seventh grader plays video games at least 18 hours per week and most of those games are violent. Young people who play a lot of violent video games have an aggressive behaviour. The main trend of video games is for players to be the bad guys, acting out criminal fantasies and earning points for attacking and killing innocent people. Even though these games are rated M, they are popular among pre-teens and teenage boys. Let’s take for example Grand Theft Auto 3, who was the best-selling game for PlayStation 2. The main idea of the game is too earn points by carjacking, stealing drugs from street people and pushers and also by beating up prostitutes with baseball bats after having sex with them. These types of video games do not set good examples for children and teenagers. These young minds may think that they are allowed to verbally aggress women and that doing crimes are alright. Violent video games may affect their behaviour as they get older because they may want to commit crimes and get into drugs. This proves that video games do contribute to violence in our society. Thirdly, the last but not least form of violence which influences behaviour in our society is Web Sites.

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