write paragraph on ( An ideal student )
Essay Writing!
Topic :
"An Ideal student"
An Ideal Student :
The students play a very significant and vital role in making a modern and progressive India. Though the prime duty of students is to study, they have many other social and political activities in our society. Thus, an ideal student becomes the bright citizen of future India.
Role of an Ideal Student in Schools and at Home:
A student must be an ideal symbol of honesty, duty and scholarship.
An ideal schools student must listen to what the teachers say in different subjects like Hindi, English, Math, Science and other subject.
An ideal student must love and respect their teachers in class rooms and schools. He should also abide-by the rules and disciplines of a school. He should also love his parents, brothers, sisters and friends of a school.
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Everyone in this world is reasonable for love and respect and i like every creation of God.in Which God has created the unique creation called human beings,among them ideal student should posses those qualities which inspires everybody.he should possess firm reason and strong will.he should be loyal and devotee to his work