write precis of people in modern materialistic world
Materialism, in philosophy, a widely held system of thought that explains the nature of the world as entirely dependent on matter, the fundamental and final reality beyond which nothing need be sought. Certain periods in history, usually those associated with scientific advance, are marked by strong materialistic tendencies. The doctrine was formulated as early as the 4th cent. B.C. by Democritus, in whose system of atomism all phenomena are explained by atoms and their motions in space. Other early Greek teaching, such as that of Epicurus and Stoicism, also conceived of reality as material in its nature. The theory was later renewed in the 17th cent. by Pierre Gassendi and Thomas Hobbes, who believed that the sphere of consciousness essentially belongs to the corporeal world, or the senses. The investigations of John Locke were adapted to materialist positions by David Hartley and Joseph Priestley. They were a part of the materialist development of the 18th cent., strongly manifested in France, where the most extreme thought was that of Julien de La Mettrie. The culminating expression of materialist thought in this period was the Système de la nature (1770), for which Baron d’Holbach is considered chiefly responsible. A reaction against materialism was felt in the later years of the 18th cent., but the middle of the 19th cent. brought a new movement, largely psychological in interpretation. Two of the modern developments of materialism are dialectical materialism and physicalism, a position formulated by some members of the Logical Positivist movement. Closely related to materialism in origin are naturalism and sensualist.
Write precis of
People in this modern materialistic world are prone to suffer from stress, emotional imbalance, anxiety, frustration and anger. It leads to many physical ailments, disturbed relationships and road rage. Many broken homes, accidents and suicides are due to this mental turmoil. The only panacea for this is 'meditation'. A simple description of meditation is to sit silently with closed eyes and focus on breathing. It may or may not be accompanied by music. It helps one to connect with the deep inner self and raises the level of consciousness. The first effort may not be perfect but with regular practice, one master the technique. Then the remaster unfolds! It leads to peace of mind, better concentration, clarity of thought and complete relaxation. The situations do not change but it changes our reactions and attitude to these. One learns to be calm and grounded in all circumstances and surrender to divine control. Gratitude takes the place of complaints and love replaces resentments. It is then that circumstance begin to change. that circumstance gift of God but one becomes thankful for it only after practising meditation. The result is a calm and serene individual.
The Precis Of The Above Passage;:-
- People in this contemporary materialistic world are inclined to suffer from stress, emotional imbalance, anxiety, frustration and anger which leads to many physical ailments, broken homes, accidents and suicides because of this mental turmoil.
- The only cure-all for this is 'meditation'. It may or may not be accompanied by music. It benefits one to connect with the deep inner self and puts forward the level of consciousness. The first undertaking may not be excellent but with regular practice, one masters the method. It leads to peace of mind, better concentration, clarity of thought and comprehensive relaxation.
- Gratitude seizes grievances and love replaces hostilities. The outcome is a calm and serene individual.