write reason why our moon has many joints point wise answer if you answer corect mark it as brinlest
4. Turbo-charges joints, bongs or edibles
Easy. The same way that you always use regular bud. The biggest difference is you need to be careful when you break it up. Don't waste that kief.
For that, you'll probably want to avoid grinding and instead use a very sharp knife. You basically take your sharp knife, and carefully chop up the moon rock and roll it into a joint, or pack a bowl, or load into your water pipe, or hookah.
You can use Moon Rock to make edibles in brownies, cupcakes, and more. It's recommended that you start out with simple recipes though because the Moon Rock brownies are absolutely mind blowing.
Since Moon Rocks are made up of three parts that are grouped together, they can be expensive so make sure you don't waste any of it.