Geography, asked by mamakhan, 11 months ago

write short note on atmospheric pressure and atmospheric temperature


Answered by najifaparveen16
The weight of atmospheric exerts a pressure on the surface of the earth and on all the objects on the earth,including ourselves.This pressure is known as atmosphere pressure.
Atmospheric pressure is a measure of temperature at different levels of the earth's atmospheric.

hope it's helpful for you.
Answered by divyanshikashyap5073
Atmospheric Pressure: Pressure is defined as force divided by area.  Air pressure is the weight of the atmosphere overhead divided by the area the air is resting on.  Atmospheric pressure is determined by and tells you something about the weight of the air overhead.  This is one way, a sort of large scale representation, of understanding air pressure.  At some point later in the semester you'll learn about the ideal gas law which is a 2nd, microscopic, way of understanding air pressure.  (the figures below differ somewhat from those drawn in class but emphasize the same points)
Atmospheric Temprature : Atmospheric Temprature is a measure of temprature at different levels of the Earth's atmosphere. It is governed by many factors, including incoming solar radiation, humidity and altitude.Standard temperature is defined as zero degrees Celsius (0 0C), which translates to 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32 0F) or 273.15 degrees kelvin (273.15 0K). This is essentially the freezing point of pure water at sea level, in air at standard pressure.

aman10404kumar: Temperature is the average amount of energy that a molecule has. Basically its an average of kinetic energy.

Pressure is the force that a particle will exert when it bumps or pushed aginst a surface i.e. It is an average of Momentum.

Higher the energy means the higher the temperature and will exert more force and hence has more pressure.

So higher temperature will lead to higher pressure.
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