write short note on features of paragraph formatting in writer
Paragraph formatting is applied to an entire paragraph. All formatting for a paragraph is stored in the paragraph mark and carried to the next paragraph when you press the Enter key. You can copy paragraph formats from paragraph to paragraph and view formats through task panes.
Paragraph formatting is tool which enables you to control the appearance of an individual paragraphs.Few of the features are as follows:1) Paragraph Alignment it shows how paragraph lines would appear in context to left and right margin.2) Line and Paragraph spacing it is the amount of vertical spacing of text in a paragraph .These formatting gives a neat and presentable shape to your work.
*Paragrph must contain header and footer
*bullets and numbering
*font properties
*Header contain title of paragrph
Footer contain page number
*in staroffice writer provude various styles ofr the bullets and numbering,which can be selected using format->bullets and numbering.
*there are three type:bold ,italic,underline
Bold:it is used to display data in bold.it highlight the cell
Italic:this is used to display the data in italics
Underline:this is used to underline the data in highlighted cells.it is used to underline heading .
Then,changing fonts: times new roman it is one of the font.the dault size is either 11 or 12 points
Few example of font style
Cooper black
*four types of alignment
Left alignment
Right alignment
Justify alignment
Center alignment
They are used to align the content of cells