English, asked by melitorkoligmailcom, 1 year ago

Write short note on 'Ode'


Answered by Anonymous


Definition of Ode

An ode is a form of poetry such as sonnet or elegy. Ode is a literary technique that is lyrical in nature, but not very lengthy. You have often read odes in which poets praise people, natural scenes, and abstract ideas. Ode is derived from a Greek word aeidein, which means to chant or sing. It is highly solemn and serious in its tone and subject matter, and usually is used with elaborate patterns of stanzas. However, the tone is often formal. A salient feature of ode is its uniform metrical feet, but poets generally do not strictly follow this rule though use highly elevated theme.

Types of Ode

Odes are of three types, including (1) Pindar ode, (2) Horatian ode, and (3) irregular ode.

Pindar Ode

This ode was named after an ancient Greek poet, Pindar, who began writing choral poems that were meant to be sung at public events. It contains three triads; strophe, antistrophe, and final stanza as epode, with irregular rhyme patterns and lengths of lines.

Horatian Ode

The name of this ode was taken from the Latin poet, Horace. Unlike heroic odes of Pindar, Horatian ode is informal, meditative and intimate. These odes dwelled upon interesting subject matters that were simple and were pleasing to the senses. Since Horatian odes are informal in tone, they are devoid of any strict rules.

Irregular Ode

This type of ode is without any formal rhyme scheme, and structure such as the Pindaric ode. Hence, the poet has great freedom and flexibility to try any types of concepts and moods. William Wordsworth and John Keats were such poets who extensively wrote irregular odes, taking advantage of this form.

Short Examples of Odes in Writing

  1. Fragmented drops of rainbow
  2. Retract, reflect light through clear prisms
  3. Bend spectrum delights.
  4. Silver shot moon
  5. Hangs high in the sky
  6. Radiating light to be reflected.
  7. Rain drops drop down as I reach home,
  8. Cozy with warm clothes and hot tea,
  9. No need to move around.
  10. Some days may go desperately
  11. But every day is there to overcome,
  12. Struggle to get through them,
  13. Just to live each day with positivity.
  14. The mist spins through a deep valley
  15. Moving slowly and giving sights
  16. Of flowers, slowly it disperses in
  17. Morning sunlight.
  18. Nature is fantastic as it
  19. Brings gems that delight every soul.
  20. The sorrow, the pain
  21. I’ll overcome tomorrow
  22. Ah! What a joy life brings.
  23. And here beneath the moon,
  24. And upon eveningward height of earth
  25. To feel always the arrival of
  26. Rising of the morning.
  27. It is the morning without
  28. Damp and dark, without stillness
  29. Waiting for the day, not for any sounds
  30. But feeling breeze.
  31. Whatever the new day brings, it brings something new
  32. Spins rounds, round, and round; and something new.
  33. The Junes are full and free, driving through the roads
  34. Valleys, and under boldly standing Mays.
  35. I see a new day upon the dew drops laden ground,
  36. I have awaken to start new a day as I found it
  37. Beyond the city roads.
  38. Crispy, crispy nights
  39. Soft, soft ice flakes,
  40. Stream, cold stream,
  41. Chimneys breathing
  42. Rising with a sigh,
  43. Winter cold winter!
  44. A thought, a wondrous positive thought
  45. Sparkles in the morning,
  46. Scattering fragrance everywhere.
  47. Walking down the streets,
  48. Walking down in the evening,
  49. Here starts falling down the snow.

Examples of Odes in Literature

Example #1: Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (By William Wordsworth)

“There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,

The earth, and every common sight

To me did seem

Apparelled in celestial light,

The glory and the freshness of a dream.

It is not now as it hath been of yore; —”

This is a perfect example of an English Pindaric ode. Just observe the use of different types of meters in each stanza, which have made it easier to read, and made flexible with simple rhyme scheme of ababac.

Example #2: Ode to the Confederate Dead (By Allen Tate)

“Row after row with strict impunity

The headstones yield their names to the element,

The wind whirrs without recollection;

In the riven troughs the splayed leaves

Pile up, of nature the casual sacramen

To the seasonal eternity of death …”

This is an example of Horatian ode, which presents a consistent rhyme scheme. It has no division into triads like Pindar ode, but is less ceremonious, less formal, more tranquil, and better suited for reading. The purpose of using this type of ode is to give vent to pent-up feelings.

Hope this helps...

Anonymous: .. loved to help you.. thanks
melitorkoligmailcom: my exams are nearby , thank you ! for answering my question
Anonymous: .. me too.... thnaks... for asking the question
melitorkoligmailcom: it's my pleasure
Answered by Shaizakincsem



  • Ode is the poetic form that is used in the lyrical stanza.
  • It is mainly focused on the beauty of nature.
  • It enhances a specific event by adding charm to it.
  • Classical ode consists of three major parts and these are as follows.
  • The strophe, the antistrophe, and the epode.
  • It praises the natural things and talents of people.
  • Specifically arts, music, and nature through emotions.

Learn more about it.

Write down the meaning of ode.


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