Write short notes on Geographical condition of Maharashtra before Shivaji.
Before Shivaji , to best if state of Maharashtra's concered than it should be Maratha culture and Marathi forming the landscape . Before shivaji 400 -500 years back it was integration of Marathi language in main stream livelihood. The saints of Maharashtra introduced varkari samprada and devotion to gods via abhangas and poetry . The transition from Sanskrit and mixed langaul of those time with Brahmins dominating the society with there Sanskrit and Mararthi skills . Sant Gyaneshwara revealed Bhagwat Gita in Marathi named Gyneshwari to common people . Maharashtra still holds that true with culture it has integrated since .
Shivaji went a step ahead and unleashed the power and bravery associated with the saintly culture which was taking a beating from Islamic rulers .
Though Maharashtra or Marathi was quiet ancient before Shivaji and prosperous one . Shivaji Maharajas accomplishments are un paralleled one and being from recent part of history , Maharastrians pride themselves with Shivaji Maharaja , may be Shivaji maharaja is too much heard in day to day lives