write squares and cubes of numbers from 1 to 30.
Step-by-step explanation:
square cube
1=1 1=1
2=4 2=8
3=9 3=27
4=16 4=64
5=25 5=125
6=36 6=216
7=49 7=343
8=64 8=512
9=81 9=729
10=100 10=1000
Step-by-step explanation:
Here are the list of squares of 1 to 30 .
Squares of Numbers
(1)² = 1 (16)² = 256
(2)² = 4 (17)² = 289
(3)² = 9 (18)² = 324
(4)² = 16 (19)² = 361
(5)² = 25 (20)² = 400
(6)² = 36 (21)² = 441
(7)² = 49 (22)² = 484
(8)² = 64 (23)² = 529
(9)² = 81 (24)² = 576
(10)² = 100 (25)² = 625
(11)² = 121 (26)² = 676
(12)² = 144 (27)² = 729
(13)² = 169 (28)² = 784
(14)² = 196 (29)² = 841
(15)² = 225 (30)² = 900
Here is the list of cubes of 1 to 30:
Cubes of Numbers:
(1)³ = 1 (16)³ = 4096
(2)³ = 8 (17)³ = 4913
(3)³ = 27 (18)³ = 5832
(4)³ = 64 (19)³ = 6859
(5)³ = 125 (20)³ = 8000
(6)³ = 216 (21)³ = 9261
(7)³ = 343 (22)³ = 10648
(8)³ = 512 (23)³ = 12167
(9)³ = 729 (24)³ = 13824
(10)³ = 1000 (25)³ = 15625
(11)³ = 1331 (26)³ = 17576
(12)³ = 1728 (27)³ = 19683
(13)³ = 2197 (28)³ = 21952
(14)³ = 2744 (29)³ = 24389
(15)³ = 3375 (30)³ = 27000
hope u will be helped with these no.
plz mark this as brainliast.