English, asked by ritulawaniya430206, 11 months ago

Write storyon outline. A merchant -riding -city - sickness wants a lift -puts him on his horseback -refuses to get down -both go to judges -go to stables -horse turns his head towards his master -looks at him with affection -doesn't look at the sick man- judgment.


Answered by allsunsweetline

A merchant was riding a horse,and was going on his way to a city. on his way to the city he say a man who layed down numb.the concerned merchant went to the man and checked on him.the man said that he was with sicknss and that he wanted a lift to go to a hospital.the merchant was very kind so he carried him and put him on his horse's back.when they reach the city,the man who was sick refuses to get down of the horse and says that the horse was his.the merchant became curious and argued with him.but the man did not gave up.they both went to the judge in that city.the merchant tied his horse in the stable and went inside with the man.the merchant explained the situation to the judge.while the man insisted that it was his horse.the wise judge could not figure out who was the owner of the horse,so he made the horse come from stables and made it stand in between the two men.the horse headed towards his master. man called the horse but the horse did not spare a glance his way,it did not look his way.merchant called his horse the way he used to call it everyday, the horse looked at him with affection.the judge now understood who the owner of the horse was.he sentenced the man who acted sick to pay the man a hefty amount to show his apology.the sick man paid the amount and went home sad while the merchant went on happy on his journey

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