English, asked by myrock1050p18gqu, 1 year ago

Write the caracter sketch of mrs.slater highlighting the points


Answered by nikhilbastian
 Mrs. slater®™

-Mrs. Slater is a vigorous and plump lady who stays prepared to do any amount of straight talking to get her own way.

-It is understood that she is very dominating by the way she treats her daughter.

-She is insensitive.

-She does not believe in making any sort of kind gestures or suggestions.

-She is shown to be very greedy and quite a huge opportunist.

 As soon as she sees the grandfather lying dead drunk, she concludes that he is dead. she asked her husband to inform her sister, Elizabeth, Telegraphically of the death. then she plans to pinch important things from the grandfather's room before the arrival of her sister. she removes the wall clock and the Bureau from the grandfather's room. when she is about to get exposed towards the end, she thinks of one or the other  excuse. The grandfather asks why they are mourning. She Says that a relative of ben
 whom he doesn't know has died. she is ever ready with a lie.

hope this helped u,

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