Science, asked by shah08707425567, 9 months ago

Write the caracteristic
feautures of malmels with example


Answered by rajan521


please mark as briliant answer


  1. Mammals are endothermic vertebrates
  2. Have hair and fur on the body
  3. Have mammary glands
  4. Four chambered hearts
  5. Have sebaceous (fat secreting glands), sudoriferus (sweat), and scent glands.
  6. Have heterodont dentation (different types of teeth)
  7. Posses diaphragm
  8. Posses one single jaw bone
  9. Have three small bones in the middle of the ear

Other characteristics

Mammals possess other characteristic that are different from other animals but they are all not so apparent.

Diaphragm is a muscular wall that is used to separate the heart and the lungs from the stomach. The brain of the mammals is a developed one than any other animals in the world.

The four chambered heart of the mammals helps to circulate the blood and oxygen throughout the body. Mammals with the help of lungs breathe in the air for respiration.

Answered by Myurbhai


  1. they are worm blooded.
  2. four chamber heart.
  3. body covered with hair.
  4. mammary gland present.
  5. they produce youn ones.
  6. respiration trough lungs.
  7. external ear present.
  8. sweat gland present on skin.
  9. example...humans, cats,monkeys etc
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