Computer Science, asked by ramawanti, 11 months ago

write the defference between computer virus and biological virus in between 250 words


Answered by prasennavignesh
#COMPUTER VIRUSESBIOLOGICAL VIRUSESs i m i l a r i t i e s1infection of specific targets (.exe or .com files)infection of specific targets (host cells)2attach to .exe or .com filesintegrate in DNA3spread to other computersspread to other hosts4parasitism: copied by hostcopied by host cell5one virus per fileno re-infection of same cell6initially infected file is functionalinitially infected cell is functional7user does not immediately notice infectionhost organism does not immediately notice infection8software can be made immune to infectionnot every cell is infected9specificity for Operating Systemhost specificity10species (kinds) of virusesspecies (families) of viruses11degrees of harmfulnessdifferent degrees of virulence12difference in susceptibility of computersdifference in susceptibility of individuals and species13antivirus software on computerimmune system14percentage of computers protected by anti-virus softwarepercentage of individuals in population immune to virus (vaccinated)15PC's came first, viruses laterhost organism evovled prior to infecting virus16contain information, have length expressed in b(ytes)contain information, have length expressed in b(ases)17source code causes behaviour of virusgenotype causes phenotype including behaviour18virus has small size relative to host softwaresmall genome relative to host genome19not living according to Ganti definitionnot living according to Ganti definitionp o t e n t i a l    s i m i l a r i t i e s1mutating virusvirus mutates2activation of virus depends on dateseasonal activity of virus3software version dependent actionage dependent action of virus4virus infects new host softwareinfection of new host species5anti-virus software introducedevolution of immune system6anti-virus stoftware comes at a priceimmune system is costly for the organism7arms race virus and anti-virus softwarearms race virus and immunesystem (vaccines development)8spread via Trojan horsespread via vector9hidden presence of viruslatency; initial symptom free period10polymorphic viruspolymorphic virus11virus disables virus scannervirus attacks immune system12Darwinian evolution of mutating virussesDarwinian evolution of mutating virusses13detected by virus signaturedetected by virus signatured i s s i m i l a r i t i e s1created by humanscreated by biological evolution2source code known to author of the virussequence of new virus not known3no 2D or 3D formalways 3D form / structure4virtual (digital)material; based on molecules5no auto-immunityauto-immune diseases6useful viruses do not existsome viruses have usefull effects for the host

times.Genotype–phenotype mappingHighly complex biochemical and developmental process influenced by the environment.Typically a simple mathematical transformation or parameterized procedure. A few systems use generative and developmental genotype–phenotype maps.VariationOffspring are created from one (asexual reproduction) or two parents (sexual reproduction). Horizontal gene transfer can accumulate genes from more individuals.Unconstrained vertical gene transfer. Offspring may be generated from any number of parents: one, two or many.ExecutionParallel, decentralized execution; birth and death events are not synchronized.Typically centralized with synchronized birth and death.PopulationSpatial embedding implies structured populations. Population size varies according to the relative number of birth and death events. Populations can and do go extinct.Typically unstructured and panmictic (all individuals are potential partners). Population size is usually kept constant by sync
Answered by Sandhyathakur
1) biological virus affects living organism
while computer virus affects computer system

2) Biological virus are naturally made whereas computer viruses are made by hackers

3) Biological virus can be treated by medicines, whereas computer viruses can be treated by apps
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