Science, asked by student5778, 21 days ago

Write the definition of composition , decomposition and displacement reaction

with example.​


Answered by narinde22


A composition reaction produces a single substance from multiple reactants. A decomposition reaction produces multiple products from a single reactant. Combustion reactions are the combination of some compound with oxygen to make oxides of the other elements as products (although nitrogen atoms react to make N 2).

Answered by sweetichoudhary2556


combination reaction :when two or more simple substances combine with each other to form a single new substance this reaction is called combination reaction.

  1. for e. g. = 2H2+o2-------2H2o

decomposition reaction : A chemical reaction in which a compound splits into two or more simpler substances is called decomposition reaction.

for e. g. = CaCo3--------- CaO +Co2

displacement reaction : The reaction in which a more reactive element displace less reactive element from its solution is called displacement reaction.

for e. g. = Zn+2HCL--------- ZnCl2+ H2


I hope it will be helpful for you

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