write the difference between MsgBox() and error provider in vb. net
There is no big difference in both MsgBox() and error provider in vb. net. In case of vb. net either use one parameter or three parameters like prompt, Buttons and title whereas for in msg box you can add additional parameter thats 1.
Message Box is used to display specific message in dialog box.
The basic components of MessageBox.Show are:
- Text
- Caption
- Buttons
- Icon
Error provider is used to fix error message for specific control on the form. It has properties like BlinkRate, BlinkStyle (AlwaysBlink, NeverBlink, BlinkIfDifferentError).
There are few methods of Error Control:
- SetError: SetError(ControlName,"ErrorMessage")
- GetError: GetError(ControlName)
- Clear: Clear()
The message box is toolkit where the texts messages history are stored in any system of information so as to make it easier for the accountability of the information in any given device while an error provider is a system dealing with the errors that may arise in an update of the given information of vary tool and device used in communication in the office or any stated firm.